Big News, Rs 25,000 Benefit from Kanya Sumangala Yojana, Apply Now!

Kanya Sumangala Yojana In order for females to be independent of others for their fundamental needs, it is crucial for them to develop economically. The Uttar Pradesh government responded to this by launching the KANYA SUMANGALA YOJANA, which offers financial aid to girls in the state up to the end of their 12th-grade education. The grant is 25,000 rupees, paid in six payments, beginning at birth. The girls' education can be guaranteed with this sum.
If you would want to apply for your female child's education and bright future under the KANYA SUMANGALA YOJANA 2024, you should be fully informed about this program. Thus, in the following sections, we will provide you with all the information you need to understand what the KANYA SUMANGALA YOJANA is, its advantages, why it was launched, the government's requirements for qualifying, the necessary paperwork, and the application procedure, which requires you to read this article through to the conclusion.
What is Kanya Sumangala Yojana?
KANYA SUMANGALA YOJANA, an initiative promoting girls' education, was launched by the Uttar Pradesh government. Encouraging females to have a proper education, this initiative will provide them with financial aid worth Rs 25,000, given to them in uneven instalments at various levels from birth to the 12th grade. With this initiative, ₹ 15000 was the help sum formerly offered; however, the government has since increased it to ₹ 25000.
Through this program, low-income families that view girls as a burden and either kill them at birth or put an end to their education will receive the necessary guidance to help them improve their negative attitudes towards daughters. This plan is going to transform society, alter people's perspectives, and brighten daughters' futures.
Overview: Kanya Sumangala Yojana 2024
Name of the scheme | Chief Minister Kanya Sumangala Scheme |
year | 2024 |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Relevant departments | Women and Child Development Department |
Beneficiary | girls living in the state |
Objective | Promoting the health and education of the girl child |
Incentive Amount | ₹25000 |
Application Process | Online/Offline |
official website | |

What is the objective of Kanya Sumangala Yojana?
The Uttar Pradesh government's primary goal in initiating the KANYA SUMANGALA YOJANA is to support daughters' social and economic growth, which can only be achieved through high-quality education. As a result, the UP government launched the KANYA SUMANGALA YOJANA, which will give girls financial aid for education at various levels, in order to ensure their education. This plan will inspire daughters to pursue higher education and alter the negative perceptions that people hold about them.
When and how much money will be received under Kanya Sumangala Yojana
The following is how the funds obtained under the KANYA SUMANGALA YOJANA will be allocated:
- At the time of birth of girl child: ₹5000/-
- On vaccination after 1 year of birth: ₹2000/-
- On admission in class 1st: ₹3000/–
- On admission in class 6th: ₹3000/-
- On admission in class 9th: ₹5000/-
- Lump sum amount on admission in class 12th: ₹7000-
Benefits of Kanya Sumangala Yojana Uttar Pradesh
- The plan involves the UP government giving a poor family in the first class ₹5000 in cash help at the time of birth.
- 2000 rupees will be spent on immunisations after a year of this.
- For first through twelfth-grade schooling, ₹18,000 is given.
- In this manner, girls receive ₹25,000 in uneven payments.
- This sum aids in the education of girls.
- This program also helps low-income families so that they won't view their girls as a burden or a barrier to their education.
- The UP government is taking a significant step with this program to support girls' social and economic growth.

To apply for the Mukhyamantri KANYA SUMANGALA YOJANA, you need to meet the eligibility requirements listed below:
- The girl child should live permanently in the state of Uttar Pradesh with her guardians.
- The benefit of this strategy will be extended to girls born after April 1, 2019.
- Remember that a family may only get benefits from this program for a maximum of two children.
- This initiative will help families whose annual income is less than Rs 3 lakh.
- When there are twins, up to three girls can receive benefits from the program.
- The applicant must enter another number in addition to a working mobile number while completing the scheme's application form.
- Benefits for girls from low-income households are included in this program.
- The benefit of this initiative will be available to girls of all religions, castes, and social classes.
- Applications from applicants will be denied if errors are discovered in the supporting documentation or application form.
Documents required for Kanya Sumangala Yojana
In order to receive the benefits of the KANYA SUMANGALA YOJANA, candidates must provide the following documentation:
- Aadhar card of the guardian
- Birth certificate of girl child
- Residence certificate
- Income certificate
- Electricity bill
- Bank account details
- Passport size photo
- Mobile number etc.
How to apply under Kanya Sumangala Yojana 2024
The following step-by-step procedure can be used to finish the application process for those state candidates who are interested in applying to profit from the Mukhyamantri KANYA SUMANGALA YOJANA:
- First, go to, the KANYA SUMANGALA YOJANA official website.
- The official website will now open to the home page. Select the "New User-Register Yourself" option from there.

- A registration form will open when you click, and you must carefully fill in all the requested information in it.
- Upon completion of the data entry, you must select the "Register" option to finish the registration process.
- A user ID will be sent to you following registration, and you will need to use it to log back into the site.
- Logging in will cause the scheme's application form to open, which you must carefully fill out.
- Encumbrance records must be scanned and uploaded after completing the application.
- You will need to select the "Submit" button at the end after completing this.
- Following completion of this step, the Kanya Sumangala Yojana online application procedure will be finished.
कन्या सुमंगला योजना का प्रभाव
अपनी शुरुआत से ही कन्या सुमंगला योजना का समाज और परिवारों दोनों पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ा है। यहाँ कुछ प्रमुख परिणाम दिए गए हैं:
मुख्य आंकड़े
- लाभार्थियों की संख्या: इस योजना के शुरू होने के बाद से अब तक 10 लाख से ज़्यादा लड़कियाँ इससे लाभान्वित हो चुकी हैं।
- साक्षरता दर में सुधार: इस योजना ने उत्तर प्रदेश के स्कूलों में लड़कियों के नामांकन में वृद्धि में योगदान दिया है।
- लैंगिक भेदभाव में कमी: वित्तीय सहायता के साथ, ज़्यादातर परिवार अपनी बेटियों के अवसरों को सीमित करने के बजाय उनके भविष्य में निवेश करना पसंद कर रहे हैं।
सफलता की कहानियाँ
- सीता का सफ़र: यूपी के एक ग्रामीण क्षेत्र की लड़की इस योजना से मिली वित्तीय सहायता की वजह से गरीबी के चक्र से बाहर निकलकर अपनी शिक्षा जारी रखने में सक्षम हुई।
- माया की कहानी: इस योजना की बदौलत माया, जो आर्थिक तंगी के कारण स्कूल छोड़ने की कगार पर थी, अब उच्च शिक्षा प्राप्त कर रही है।
Challenges in Implementing Kanya Sumangala Yojana
While the Kanya Sumangala Yojana has been largely successful, certain challenges remain:
Common Issues Faced:
- Awareness Gap: A lot of rural families are still in the dark about the program and how to apply.
- Financial Disbursement Delays: In certain instances, administrative roadblocks have caused families to experience delays in obtaining the promised payments.
- Technology Access: Since the application procedure is online, it can be difficult for families in rural regions without reliable internet access.
कन्या सुमंगला योजना में सुधार के लिए सरकार की पहल
उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार ने कन्या सुमंगला योजना का लाभ प्राप्त करने में परिवारों के सामने आने वाली कुछ चुनौतियों के समाधान के लिए कदम उठाए हैं।
नई पहल:
- जागरूकता अभियान: सरकारी अधिकारियों ने ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में योजना को बढ़ावा देने के लिए अभियान शुरू किए हैं।
- सरलीकृत आवेदन प्रक्रिया: आवेदन प्रक्रिया को सरल बनाने के प्रयास किए जा रहे हैं, ताकि इंटरनेट का उपयोग न करने वाले परिवारों के लिए इसे और अधिक सुलभ बनाया जा सके।
- हेल्पलाइन और सहायता केंद्र: आवेदन पत्र भरने में परिवारों की सहायता के लिए समर्पित हेल्पलाइन स्थापित की गई हैं।
The KANYA SUMANGALA YOJANA is a game-changer in promoting gender equality and ensuring the well-being of girls in Uttar Pradesh. By providing financial aid at various stages of a girl’s life, the scheme has significantly contributed to improving girls’ education and reducing child marriages. However, continuous efforts are needed to address challenges in its implementation and expand its reach to ensure every girl child in Uttar Pradesh benefits from this initiative.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Uttar Pradesh government launched the Kanya Sumangala Yojana, a program designed to give families financial support for the upbringing and education of girls. From the time of birth until they finish their higher education, it seeks to support girls.
The initiative is open to families earning up to 3 lakhs annually. Benefits are available for up to two female children per family, and the applicant must be a permanent resident of Uttar Pradesh.
The program provides financial support in six stages, beginning with the female child's birth and ending with her completing her education. The total financial aid provided can go up to 15,000 per girl child.
You can apply for the Kanya Sumangala Yojana through the official portal by filling out an online application form and submitting the required documents. You will need to register first on the website before submitting the form.
The financial assistance is provided directly into the bank account of the beneficiary’s family at different stages of the girl child’s life, including her birth, vaccination, and education milestones.