Wow! 4 New Changes Made in Rojgar Sangam Yojana which will Benefit You

Rojgar Sangam Yojana The state government implements a number of programs for the welfare of young people, such as the ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA, which attempts to provide financial support to the state's jobless youth. Youth without jobs would get monthly financial aid under the ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA, contingent on their merit. Because of their financial limitations, educated unemployed teenagers frequently encounter difficulties finding employment that aligns with their abilities, which can cause frustration.
However, by enrolling on the official Rojgar Sangam website of the Uttar Pradesh government at, qualified individuals can receive aid and employment chances through this plan. This post offers comprehensive details on the Rojgar Sangam Allowance Scheme 2024 in an effort to assist you in locating work opportunities that are in line with your degree and skill set. To learn everything there is to know about the ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA, attentively read the article.
Rojgar Sangam Yojana 2024
रोजगार संगम योजना उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा शुरू की गई है। इस योजना के तहत राज्य के उन शिक्षित युवाओं को बेरोजगारी भत्ता दिया जाएगा, जिन्होंने 12वीं कक्षा पास कर ली है, लेकिन उन्हें काम नहीं मिल पा रहा है। इस योजना के तहत पात्र व्यक्तियों को मासिक भत्ते के रूप में वित्तीय सहायता मिलेगी, जो 1000 रुपये से लेकर 1500 रुपये तक हो सकती है। रोजगार की संभावनाओं को बढ़ावा देने के लिए सरकार कभी-कभी रोजगार मेले भी आयोजित करती है। सरकार रोजगार संगम योजना के माध्यम से विभिन्न जिलों में लगभग सत्तर हजार युवाओं को नौकरी देना चाहती है। इसमें सूचीबद्ध 72,000 पदों के लिए आवेदन करने के इच्छुक लोगों को रोजगार संगम की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर पंजीकरण करना होगा।
Information about Rojgar Sangam Yojana
Yojana | Rojgar Sangam Yojana |
Start | by Uttar Pradesh government |
Relevant departments | Employment Department, Uttar Pradesh |
Beneficiaries | Educated unemployed youth of the state |
Objective | Monthly financial assistance to unemployed youth |
Allowance amount | 1000 -1500 rupees per month |
Application Process | online process |
official website | |

Purpose of Rojgar Sangam Yojana
- Bringing Down the Unemployment Rate: The Rozgar Sangam Allowance Scheme's services will help bring down the state's unemployment rate.
- presenting work opportunities to young individuals without jobs: The Rojgar Sangam Scheme informs unemployed youth about various job opportunities in the public and commercial sectors. With the help of this content, young individuals without jobs can locate employment that matches their interests and qualifications.
- Providing unemployed youth with the training and skills they need to obtain employment: The Rozgar Sangam Scheme provides youth without jobs with the training and skills necessary to find employment. Thanks to their skills and training, young individuals without jobs have an easier time finding employment.
- Supporting jobless youth in their pursuit of self-employment: The Rojgar Sangam Scheme provides jobless youth with the necessary resources to seek self-employment. This includes training, funding, and other types of assistance needed to operate independently.
- The Rojgar Sangam Bhatta Yojana UP is an important program that helps provide job opportunities for young people without jobs in Uttar Pradesh. The funds under this plan, which would range from Rs 1000 to Rs 1500 per month coupled with extra services, will lessen the state's unemployment rate.
Information about employment opportunities in ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA
I T WORLD, Last Date, Salary Per Month | Instructor, 19-1-2024, Rs 23,600 |
BASUDEO AND COMPANY KANPUR, Last Date, Salary Per Month | block MIS coordinator, 20-1-2024, Rs 14,583 |
GA DIGITAL WEB WORD PRIVATE LIMITED Last Date, Salary Per Month | Training Assistant, 29-12-2023, Rs 25,000 |
BLUETIGERS SECURITY GUARD SERVICES PVT LTD Last Date, Salary Per Month | Block Quality Coordinator, 31-12-2023, Rs 16,383 |
WEAVERSOFT SOLUTIONS PVT LTD, Last Date, Salary Per Month | Special Educator, 31-12-2023, Rs 19,000 |
JAN SANSADHAN KENDRA (JSK), Last Date, Salary Per Month | Technical Superintendent, 29-12-2023 Rs 41,200 |
Rojgar Sangam Yojana के लाभ एवं विशेषताएं
- राज्य सरकार रोजगार संगम योजना के माध्यम से शिक्षित बेरोजगार युवाओं को वित्तीय सहायता देने का इरादा रखती है।
- इस सहायता के साथ रोजगार और कौशल विकास के अवसर भी मिलेंगे।
- रोजगार संगम भत्ता योजना के तहत, उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार 12वीं कक्षा पूरी करने वाले और स्नातक करने वाले छात्रों को 1000 रुपये से लेकर 1500 रुपये तक की वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान करती है।
- लेकिन यह बेरोजगारी भत्ता केवल पूर्व निर्धारित समय के लिए ही दिया जाएगा।
- पात्र युवाओं को यह भुगतान तब तक दिया जाएगा जब तक उन्हें रोजगार नहीं मिल जाता, जिसके बाद यह समाप्त हो जाएगा।
- रोजगार संगम भत्ता योजना का लक्ष्य युवा स्वायत्तता और आर्थिक सशक्तीकरण को प्रोत्साहित करना है।
- इस योजना के तहत 70 से अधिक जिलों में 72,000 पद भरे जाएंगे, जिससे बेरोजगार युवाओं को काम के अवसर मिलेंगे।
- इस परियोजना के प्रभाव से युवाओं को वित्तीय परिस्थितियों से विवश हुए बिना रोजगार की संभावनाओं की तलाश करने की क्षमता मिलेगी।
Key Features of the Rojgar Sangam Yojana
A number of cutting-edge features are available through the ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA to enhance job seekers' employment prospects:
- Digital Employment Platform: An all-in-one Internet platform where companies and job seekers can communicate.
- Candidates are given the opportunity to upgrade their skills and obtain certifications that will increase their employability.
- Job Fairs and Recruiting Drives: The program provides companies with direct access by arranging regular job fairs and recruiting drives.
- Career Counselling: To assist participants in selecting the best career route, they receive expert career counselling.
- Mobile App Integration: Job searchers can access training programs and job ads while on the go with an easy-to-use mobile application.

Rojgar Sangam Bhatta Yojana Up 2024 Eligibility
To participate in the ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA, candidates must meet specific eligibility criteria:
- The ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA 2024 benefits are only available to those who are officially residents of Uttar Pradesh.
- Only jobless Uttar Pradeshians with a degree will be taken into account under this strategy.
- For the candidate to be eligible for benefits under the program, they must have completed at least their 12th grade.
- For the individual to be eligible for the program, their age must be between eighteen and thirty-five.
Rojgar Sangam Yojana Up 2024 Required Documents
In order to apply for this scheme as a resident of Uttar Pradesh, you need to provide a few crucial papers. The following documents are available:-
- Aadhar Card
- Ration Card
- Educational Certificate
- Resident Proof
- PAN Card
- Voter ID Card
- Income Proof
- Caste Certificate
- Pwd Certificate (If PwD Candidate)
- Bank Account Passbook
- Active Mobile No.
- Latest Passport Size Photograph
- EWS Certificate
- Employment Exchange Registration Certificate
Rojgar Sangam Yojana Up 2024 Online Apply

- You must first go to Sewayojan's official website. You will see the home page of the Sewayojan website.
- Click "New Account" first, and then click "Jobseeker."

- After carefully going over all the information, enter your Aadhaar number and complete the form.
- Input your "password and user ID" with caution.
- Sign in using your UID number and complete the captcha.
- You must carefully review the processes before submitting an application on the Sewayojan website. There are still steps to follow.
How to Login in Rojgar Sangam Bhatta Yojana Up 2024?
You must first go to Sewayojan's official website. The home screen of the website will open for you to view.

- On the main page of the website, you must choose the Login option. Clicking here will launch the login page immediately.
- The "Jobseeker" option is now required to be chosen.
- The next step will require you to enter your user ID and password.
- The captcha code must then be entered and the submit button must be clicked.
- The website of the Uttar Pradesh Employment Department will then be accessible to you.
How to find Government Jobs on Sewayojan’s official website of UP?
- You must first go to Sewayojan's official website. The home screen of the website will open for you to view.
- On the main page, you'll discover the "Government Jobs" option. Clicking on it will open a new page.

- Now you have to select a few details from this page's fields.
As with any other department, you can select the one in which you want to work. - All position types, all recruitment groups, and all district types need to be selected in the same manner.
- After the selection process is over, you have to choose the Search option.
- After that, you will have access to all information pertaining to government jobs.
How to find Private Jobs on Sewayojan’s official website of UP?
- The official Sewayojan website is the best place to start your search for private employment. The home screen of the website will open for you to view.
- A new page will now open if you choose the "Private Jobs/Government Jobs" tab from the home page.

- On this page of the official UP government website, you have to choose the "Private Jobs" option.
- It is now required to include all of the requested information, including the district, income range, and educational background.
- After you have input all the required information, you have to choose the Search option. When you click on it, the pertinent information will show up in front of you.
- This is how you can look for private jobs.
रोजगार संगम योजना के अंतर्गत कौशल विकास पहल
रोजगार संगम योजना अपने मुख्य घटकों में से एक के रूप में कौशल विकास को प्राथमिकता देती है। विभिन्न कौशल वृद्धि कार्यक्रमों के माध्यम से, इस योजना का उद्देश्य उम्मीदवारों की रोजगार क्षमता को बढ़ाना है। ये प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम विभिन्न उद्योगों को कवर करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए हैं, जिनमें शामिल हैं:
- सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी (आईटी): कोडिंग, वेब विकास और आईटी सहायता।
- विनिर्माण: मशीन संचालन, गुणवत्ता नियंत्रण और रसद।
- स्वास्थ्य सेवा: बुनियादी स्वास्थ्य सेवाएँ, नर्सिंग और चिकित्सा सहायता।
- खुदरा: ग्राहक सेवा, बिक्री और इन्वेंट्री प्रबंधन।
- आतिथ्य: होटल प्रबंधन, फ्रंट डेस्क और पाक कला।
प्रशिक्षण प्रमाणित संस्थानों के सहयोग से प्रदान किया जाता है, तथा सफल अभ्यर्थियों को प्रमाण-पत्र प्रदान किए जाते हैं, जिससे उनकी नौकरी की संभावनाएं बढ़ जाती हैं।
Employment Sectors Covered by Rojgar Sangam Yojana
The ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA offers a range of career possibilities across many industries. Among the important industries are:
- Information Technology and Software Development
- Banking and Financial Services
- Manufacturing and Production
- Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
- Retail and E-Commerce
- Agriculture and Rural Development
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Construction and Real Estate
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
How Rojgar Sangam Yojana Promotes Women's Empowerment
The ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA offers female candidates unique incentives in an effort to promote women's empowerment. Among the programs offered to women are the following:
- Jobs Reserved: Women candidates are given preference when it comes to job placements.
- Programs for Vocational Training Tailored to Women: These cover fields like healthcare, education, and cottage industries.
- Financial Incentives: Particular financial assistance to promote women's employment.
- Initiatives to support female-led small companies and startups are referred to as entrepreneurial support.
Government’s Vision for Rojgar Sangam Yojana
देश में बेरोजगारी को कम करने और कौशल विकास में सुधार करने की भारत सरकार की व्यापक योजना का एक प्रमुख घटक रोजगार संगम योजना है। सरकार आर्थिक विकास में तेजी लाना चाहती है और एक स्वतंत्र भारत (आत्मनिर्भर भारत) को आगे बढ़ाना चाहती है, इसके लिए वह एक ऐसा कार्यबल तैयार करना चाहती है जो अधिक शिक्षित हो और विविध क्षेत्रों की मांगों को पूरा करने के लिए तैयार हो।
यह कार्यक्रम रोजगार प्रक्रियाओं को डिजिटल बनाने का भी प्रयास करता है ताकि ग्रामीण और गरीब आबादी अधिक आसानी से नौकरियों की तलाश कर सके, उनके लिए आवेदन कर सके और उन्हें प्रशिक्षण दे सके।

Success Stories of Rojgar Sangam Yojana
The ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA has helped a number of participants find jobs in fields that are a good fit for their skills. Here are a few instances of success:
- Ravi Kumar: A Bihar graduate, Ravi used the program to get employment as a software engineer after finishing a course on coding.
- Priya Singh: A native of Uttar Pradesh, Priya is enrolled in Yojana's healthcare training program and is currently employed as a licensed nurse assistant.
- Rajesh Patel: A Madhya Pradesh farmer's son, Rajesh launched his own farm consulting company after receiving training in agricultural development under the program.
These stories highlight the positive impact the ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA has had on individuals and communities.
Future Prospects of Rojgar Sangam Yojana
There are plans to broaden the ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA to include additional sectors and areas in the program's ongoing evolution. Future objectives consist of:
- Increased Employment Opportunities: The number of positions available in novel and developing sectors like artificial intelligence and green energy is growing.
- Increasing Participation: We want to see more women and young people involved in the program.
- International Collaborations: collaborating with multinational companies to offer training and employment opportunities abroad.
The ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA is a transformative initiative that has the potential to drastically reduce unemployment and improve the skills of India’s workforce. Through a combination of job placements, skill development, and government support, the scheme is creating a more robust and inclusive job market. By offering employment opportunities to a wide array of candidates and focusing on both urban and rural job seekers, the ROJGAR SANGAM YOJANA is a key player in shaping the future of employment in India.
Frequently Asked Questions
A government employment program called Rojgar Sangam Yojana uses a digital platform to link companies and job seekers. To increase job chances, it also offers skill development and vocational training.
Applicants for the program must be Indian citizens between the ages of 18 and 45 who are unemployed and actively looking for work. The level of education required varies according to the job and skill programs.
Benefits include direct access to companies, skill development programs, government-backed financial help, career counselling, and a wide range of job options.
By going to the official portal, making a profile, uploading the required files, and perusing the open positions or skill-development opportunities, you can register.
To apply for the Rojgar Sangam Yojana, there isn't a charge.
The program includes coverage for a number of industries, including banking, manufacturing, retail, healthcare, IT, agriculture, and hospitality.