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Ladli Behna Yojana New Update

Ladli Behna Yojana The Madhya Pradesh state government is offering financial help to women across all states, with a monthly benefit of Rs 1250, through the LADLI BEHNA YOJANA, which is a tremendous boon for the state's sisters. We will discuss the scheme's purpose, advantages, application process, and other related details in today's article. March 5, 2023, saw the introduction of the Madhya Pradesh LADLI BEHNA YOJANA by Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan. The government offers financial support to women in the state via this plan, up to a monthly maximum of Rs 12,250. As stated earlier, ladies will receive a total of Rs 15,000 annually. A monthly financial aid of Rs 1250 would be offered, along with this amount being given in several stages each month.

In addition, let me notify you that the 14th instalment of the LADLI BEHNA YOJANA, worth Rs 1250, will be deposited into the accounts of the women who are eligible for it today, as announced by Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav. It is noteworthy that a total of more than Rs 9 thousand 455 crore will be transferred under this 14th instalment. The purpose of this program is to raise the financial status of state women in order to raise their level of living. The government's objective in taking this action is to support women's financial independence. In this context, we have also written another piece in which we attempt to provide a detailed explanation. , if you want, you can read it and get information about it.

Name Of SchemeMadhya Pradesh Ladli Behna Scheme
who launched itShri Shivraj Singh Chouhan
StateMadhya Pradesh
BeneficiariesDear sisters of Madhya Pradesh
Benefits1250 per month, 15,000 per year
ObjectiveEmpowering women economically
Date of payment10th of every month
Application systemOffline

मुख्यमंत्री लाडली बहना योजना क्या है?

लाडली बहना योजना की शुरुआत मध्य प्रदेश के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने मार्च 2023 में की थी। इस कार्यक्रम का उद्देश्य महिलाओं को आर्थिक रूप से सशक्त बनाना है। लाडली बहना योजना की शुरुआत के समय पात्र स्थानीय महिला निवासी को 1250 रुपये का भत्ता दिया गया है। इस पहल के तहत हर महीने 1250 रुपये या सालाना 15,000 रुपये की वित्तीय सहायता दी जाती है। लाडली बहना योजना के तहत हर महीने दस तारीख को डीबीटी के माध्यम से खाते में 1250 रुपये जमा किए जाते हैं।

What is the main objective of Ladli Behna Yojana 2024

This program was launched in 2023 by the previous Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh with the goal of empowering women by giving them financial support and fostering their independence. The program allows women to receive a monthly allowance and become independent members of society. The goal of this program is to raise the level of living for state women by giving them financial support. The government's goal in taking this action is to encourage women to become financially independent.

A few days ago, it was announced that the beneficiaries of the LADLI BEHNA YOJANA, which is the 14th payment of the plan, will get a transfer of Rs 1250 into their accounts today. It is important to note that more than Rs 9 thousand 455 crores would be transferred in total under this 14th instalment. The government provided 1000 Rs through the LADLI BEHNA YOJANA 2024; this amount has since been raised to Rs 1250. The Madhya Pradesh government launched the LADLI BEHNA YOJANA, which is specifically for women.


Ladli Behna Yojana Eligibility

  • Only Madhya Pradeshi sisters are eligible for the MP Ladli Behna Yojana.
    Women who are between the ages of 23 and 60 can apply for this program.
    The benefits of this program are limited to women in Madhya Pradesh who come from lower-class and impoverished backgrounds.
  • This program is open to married, widowed, divorced, and abandoned women.
  • The beneficiary's family's annual income shouldn't be more than Rs 2,50,000.
  • The applicant's total agricultural land ownership cannot exceed five acres.
  • The Madhya Pradesh government states that women who are members of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, and General Category are eligible for this plan.

Documents required for Chief Minister Ladli Behna Yojana

  • Aadhaar Card, Own Aadhaar Linked DBT Enabled Bank Account, Mobile Number, Family Samagra ID, Individual Samagra ID, and Aadhaar Card are required documents for the application.
  • The bank account must be connected to both the Aadhaar card and the family's Samagra ID.
  • For the application, composite e-KYC is also necessary.
  • Both Samagra and Aadhaar should have the same beneficiary information.
  • For the MP Ladli Bahna Yojana plan, neither an income certificate nor a residence certificate is needed.
  • By March 25, 2023, all changes that are required, including Aadhaar, Samagra, and e-KYC, should be finished.

How to Check Ladli Behna Yojana 2024 Status Check

  • You should start by going to the CM LADLI BEHNA YOJANA's official website, which is located at
  • In the menu section, select "Application and Payment Status."
  • Click "Send OTP" after entering your application number or Samagra ID number and completing the captcha code.
  • After entering the OTP that was sent to the registered cellphone number, press the "Search" button.
  • Your application's status will show up on the screen.n

Official website of Chief Minister Ladli Behna Yojana

You can apply for this program and obtain more information by visiting the Ladli Bahana Yojana's official website (

How to login for Ladli Behna Yojana

  • Make sure to first check Ladli Behna Yojana's official website.
  • Click the link labelled "Departmental Login" at the top of the page after it opens.
  • A new "Departmental User Login" page will then open. 
  • inside which there are two login choices. 
  • Gramme Panchayat / Ward 
  • Another User
  • By selecting one of them, you can click the login button and proceed to access LADLI BEHNA YOJANA by providing your username, password, and captcha code.

How to Apply Offline for Chief Minister Ladli Behna Yojana 2024?

  • The Gramme Panchayat office or ward office will have LADLI BEHNA YOJANA application forms accessible. Spending money on the application is not required. It is completely free.
  • The completed form must be presented, along with the necessary paperwork, to the Ward Office or Gramme Panchayat.
  • The document will next be uploaded on the site or app after being checked by the officer.
  • You will receive a notification via SMS, WhatsApp, etc., if your application is chosen.
  • On the tenth of each month after that, Rs 1250 will be deposited into your account.
  • Online application status checks are available for beneficiaries of the Mukhyamantri LADLI BEHNA YOJANA.

Ladli Behna Yojana Education Qualification

Applying to the LADLI BEHNA YOJANA does not require any specific educational background. Any Madhya Pradesh lady who qualifies can apply online for this program.

लाडली बहन योजना के अंतर्गत अपात्रता

  • यदि बहन अविवाहित है तो वह मुख्यमंत्री लाडली बहना योजना के लिए आवेदन नहीं कर पाएगी।
  • यदि बहन के परिवार का कोई सदस्य आयकर दाखिल करता है तो वह कार्यक्रम में भाग नहीं ले पाएगी।
  • यदि बहन के परिवार का कोई सदस्य भारत सरकार या राज्य सरकार में कार्यरत है, सरकारी पेंशन प्राप्त करता है या सरकार के लिए काम करता है तो वह योजना के लिए पात्र नहीं होगी।
  • यदि बहन को वर्तमान में किसी सरकारी योजना से कम से कम 1000 रुपये का मासिक लाभ मिल रहा है तो वह लाडली बहना योजना के लिए पात्र नहीं होगी।
  • यदि बहन के परिवार में कोई विधायक या सांसद, चाहे वह सक्रिय हो या सेवानिवृत्त, शामिल है तो वह योजना के लिए पात्र नहीं होगी।
  • यदि बहन के परिवार के किसी सदस्य के नाम पर चार पहिया वाहन (ट्रैक्टर सहित) पंजीकृत है तो वह कार्यक्रम में भाग नहीं ले पाएगी।

How to Check Ladli Behna Yojana 2024 Status Check

  • You should start by going to the CM LADLI BEHNA YOJANA's official website, which is located at
  • In the menu section, select "Application and Payment Status."
  • Click "Send OTP" after entering your application number or Samagra ID number and completing the captcha code.
  • After entering the OTP that was sent to the registered cellphone number, press the "Search" button.
  • Your application's status will show up on the screen.

लाडली बहना योजना के कार्यान्वयन में चुनौतियाँ

लाडली बहना योजना से समाज को बहुत लाभ होगा। यह अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से महिला सशक्तिकरण पर जोर देकर एक अधिक स्थिर और प्रगतिशील समुदाय में योगदान देता है।

1 लैंगिक असमानताओं में कमी

कार्य और शिक्षा में लैंगिक अंतर को पाटकर, कार्यक्रम सामाजिक समानता को बढ़ावा देता है।

2 शिक्षा और बाल स्वास्थ्य में वृद्धि

जो महिलाएँ आर्थिक रूप से स्वतंत्र हैं, वे अपने बच्चों की स्वास्थ्य सेवा और शिक्षा में बेहतर योगदान दे पाती हैं। अगली पीढ़ी के लिए उच्च स्वास्थ्य डेटा और उच्च शैक्षिक परिणाम इसी का परिणाम हैं।

3 वित्तीय विस्तार

अधिक महिलाओं के कार्यबल में शामिल होने और उच्च शिक्षा प्राप्त करने से देश की अर्थव्यवस्था बढ़ती है। सशक्त महिलाएँ नवाचार करती हैं, कार्यबल में योगदान देती हैं और समाज को आगे बढ़ाने वाले नए दृष्टिकोण पेश करती हैं।

Challenges in Implementing Ladli Behna Yojana

While the scheme is highly beneficial, it faces several challenges.

1. Ignorance 

The LADLI BEHNA YOJANA is not well known to many eligible women because of insufficient outreach, especially in rural regions.

2. Red Tapes for Bureaucracy 

Bureaucratic delays can occasionally make the application and approval processes sluggish and ineffective, particularly in areas with poor infrastructure. 

3 Guaranteeing Durability

To guarantee that the advantages of the program result in sustained empowerment, ongoing oversight and modifications to policies are necessary.

Government Initiatives for Smooth Implementation

To overcome these challenges, the government has taken several steps.

1 Increasing Awareness

Women are more informed about the program because of awareness initiatives on TV, radio, and social media. Women's self-help organisations and community gatherings are additional venues for word-of-mouth promotion.

2 Simplification of the Application Process

By minimising paperwork and guaranteeing quicker verification, the government is attempting to streamline the application process.

3 Monitoring and Feedback Mechanisms

The implementation of monitoring systems by the government enables the tracking of benefit distribution and beneficiary effects. Beneficiary input is gathered to enhance the way the program is implemented.

LADLI BEHNA YOJANA All Information title=

Impact of Ladli Behna Yojana on Society

Society as a whole is impacted by the LADLI BEHNA YOJANA. A more stable and forward-thinking community is indirectly benefited by the emphasis on women's empowerment.

1 Reduction in Gender Disparities

The scheme helps bridge the gender gap in education and employment, contributing to a more equal society.

2 Improvement in Child Health and Education

Women who are financially independent are better able to contribute to the healthcare and education of their children. higher health data and higher educational results for the following generation are the results of this.

3 Economic Growth

The rate at which women enter the workforce and pursue higher education increases the nation's economic growth. Women who are empowered use their unique perspectives to promote growth, innovate, and contribute to the workforce.

Success Stories from Ladli Behna Yojana

The impact of the LADLI BEHNA YOJANA can be seen through numerous success stories.

1 Empowered Women in Rural Areas

Many women in rural areas who were once dependent on male family members are now self-sufficient thanks to the financial aid provided by the scheme. These women have started small businesses or have been able to afford their children's education, thereby breaking the cycle of poverty.

2 Increased Enrollment in Schools

The scheme has led to an increase in the enrollment of girls in schools, particularly in rural areas. Financial assistance for education has made it easier for families to keep their daughters in school, leading to improved literacy rates.

Future Prospects and Expansion of Ladli Behna Yojana

The LADLI BEHNA YOJANA has the potential for further expansion and improvement.

1 Digital Empowerment

As technology becomes more accessible, digital literacy programs could be incorporated into the scheme, helping women access better job opportunities and entrepreneurial ventures.

2 Integration with Other Schemes

The LADLI BEHNA YOJANA can be integrated with other government schemes like Skill India, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, and MUDRA Yojana, creating a more comprehensive approach to women’s empowerment.

3 Expanding to Urban Poor

While the scheme largely focuses on rural women, expanding its reach to include urban poor women would ensure a more widespread impact.



The Ladli Behna Yojana is a transformative initiative that empowers women, improves the status of girl children, and contributes to the overall development of society. By providing financial support, educational opportunities, and healthcare benefits, the scheme not only addresses immediate needs but also sets the foundation for long-term social and economic growth. With continuous improvements in its implementation, the LADLI BEHNA YOJANA can play a vital role in shaping a more equitable and prosperous future for women in India.

Frequently Asked Questions

A government program called Ladli Behna Yojana aims to support and financially aid women, particularly those from marginalised and economically disadvantaged groups in society. Its main goals are to enhance women's access to healthcare, education, and general empowerment.

States may have different requirements for eligibility, but in general, the program is for:

  • women from lower socioeconomic groups (BPL families).
  • women who are marginalised or lack resources.
  • children who are girls and were born after a specific date (as determined by the relevant state government).

The principal advantages consist of:

  • direct financial support is given to families or women.
  • financial assistance for girls' education.
  • benefits for healthcare, including maternity care and check-ups.
  • enhanced social security for women who are struggling financially.

You can submit an application using:

  • Online: By going to the state government's official website filling out the application and attaching the required paperwork.
  • Offline: By physically submitting the paperwork in person at local government offices like the Women and Child Development Department.

Regular financial aid—monthly, quarterly, or annual—is usually given, and the amount varies based on the state and the program's particular features, including healthcare or educational advantages.

Although several governments have measures allowing urban impoverished women to also be eligible, the initiative predominantly targets women in rural areas. For more information, see your state's unique regulations.

Benefits normally start to accrue within a few months of the application being approved, however, the verification procedure may take some time. The approval status is communicated to applicants by official communication channels like SMS or email.